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CAS single sign-on

See also "Authentication on web interface".

CAS is the Apero CAS SSO software (originally developed by the Yale University). Sympa's web interface (WWSympa) provides authentication mechanism to use the CAS authentication service.

If a CAS server redirects the user to WWSympa with a valid ticket, WWSympa receives a user ID from the CAS server. Then, it connects to the related LDAP directory to get the user email address. If no CAS server returns a valid user ID, WWSympa will let the user either select a CAS server to login or perform another authentication mechanism.


Sympa configuration

Listmasters should define one or more cas paragraph in auth.conf configuration file. Below is an example of the paragraph:

    non_blocking_redirection        on
    auth_service_name               cas-cru
    ldap_get_email_by_uid_filter    (uid=[uid])
    ldap_timeout                    7
    ldap_suffix                     dc=cru,dc=fr
    ldap_scope                      sub
    ldap_email_attribute            mail


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