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Data sources

Sympa can include list subscribers, owners and moderators from external data sources. The supported data sources should all return a set of email addresses, because that's the information Sympa needs to define a list user. You can define as many data sources as required, including data sources of the same type.

Currently, these types of data sources are supported:


Defining the data sources

List configuration parameters

Data source definition comes from a separate .inc file located in the data_sources/ directory (See "Data inclusion file"). Any of following list configuration parameters then refers to this data source file.

This configuration approach has been adopted to lessen the number of list configuration parameters.

There is another way to define member data sources: Member data source may also be defined using include_* configuration parameters; they can be edited through the list admin web interface of Sympa.


  • As of Sympa 6.2, user_data_source list configuration parameter is no more used (hard-coded include2 value); it has been introduced to support different members data management modes.

Data inclusion file

Every file has the .incl extension. Moreover, these files must be declared in paragraphs member_include, owner_include or editor_include in the list configuration file (without the .incl extension) (see list configuration parameters). These files can be processed as template files.

Sympa looks for them in the following order:

These files are used by Sympa to load administrative data in a relational database: owners or moderators are defined intensively (definition of criteria owners or moderators must satisfy). Includes can be performed by extracting email addresses using an SQL query or LDAP search operation, or by including other mailing lists.

A data inclusion file is made of paragraphs separated by blank lines and introduced by a keyword. Valid paragraphs are include_file, include_remote_file, include_list, include_remote_sympa_list, include_sql_query, include_ldap_query and include_ldap_2level_query. They are described in the List configuration parameters chapter.

When this file is a template, the variables used are array elements (param array). This array is instantiated by values contained in the subparameter source_parameter of owner_include or editor_include.


it is possible to provide the port as well using db_port.

Excluding members from dynamic update

Particular users can be excluded from dynamic update. Excluded users will no longer be added nor deleted from the list when data sources are updated. Thus, owners may be able to add or delete those users manually, and those users may be able to subscribe or unsubscribe themselves (if they are allowed).

Information of excluded users are stored in exclusion_table table of database. List owners can update the information in one of following ways:

Note that exclusion will not be released even if the same user will be added again.


  • On Sympa prior to 6.2, deleting member needed exclusion in advance, if they had already been included from data sources.

    On 6.2 or later, deleting may imply exclusion. If you noticed that one or more users were not included from data sources, please check "Exclude" in list administration menu.

Cache management

Sympa maintains a cache of included list members in the subscriber_table database table. The update of the cache is mainly performed by the process (via the sync_include task) ; the frequency of the updates is defined by the ttl list configuration parameter. However, an update can be performed by other processes under the following circumstances:

If one or more data source is unreachable, the latest data will stay in the cache.

Sympa stores 3 kinds of include-related informations in the list members DB row :

Tip: Using Active Directory for Sympa data sources

Active Directory having quite a specific functionality, Steve Shipway found a way to make it work with Sympa. Here is his guidelines to achieve this goal.

First, create a service account in your LDAP so that Sympa can connect. This only needs read-only access.

You need to use a 2level query, since AD stores DNs against group membership. Also, note that if using a .incl file to define external list admins, you cannot pass a full DN as a parameter as it contains commas (I’ve logged a bug report for this).

In this example, replace [% param.0 %] with the group name (the cn, not the dn). Obviously, change the host, user and passwd to the appropriate values for your site, and also the suffix1 to match your tree base.

name  ad_group_[% param.0 %]
port  3269
user  uoasvcsympa
use_ssl yes
ssl_version tls
suffix1 DC=UoA,DC=auckland,DC=ac,DC=nz
filter1 (&(cn=[% param.0 %])(objectClass=group))
attrs1  member
select1 all
timeout1 60
scope1 sub
suffix2 [attrs1]
filter2 (objectClass=person)
attrs2 mail
select2 first
scope2 base
timeout2 10

Note that we’re forcing TLS (since Poodle should have had you disabling SSLv2/3 on your AD LDAP!) and have a 60s timeout, which might be too low for huge groups with a slow AD. We have patched our Sympa to also retrieve displayName on the final lookup to populate the gecos data; however with vanilla Sympa you don’t get this.

Now, how about an Exchange distribution list? You can always just chain to one, but why not use the distribution list as an external data source so that the members can be properly loaded in?

In this example, [% param.0 %] is the full email address of the distribution list, such as Again, we use a 2level lookup, since a distribution list holds the DN of the members rather than their email addresses. filter1 is possibly overkill, but we want to cover all different possible configurations of AD (you might be able to simplify it for your system).

name exchange_[% param.0 %]
port 3269
user uoasvcsympa
passwd XXXXXXX
use_ssl yes
ssl_version tls
suffix1 DC=UoA,DC=auckland,DC=ac,DC=nz
filter1 (|(proxyAddresses=[% param.0 %])(proxyAddresses=smtp:[% param.0 %])(mailLocalAddress=[% param.0 %])(mail=[% param.0 %]))
attrs1 member
select1 all
timeout1 60
scope1 sub
suffix2 [attrs1]
filter2 (objectClass=person)
attrs2 mail
select2 first
scope2 base
timeout2 10

Both of these .incl templates work for us on our Windows 2013 system, and are in active use for list configurations.

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