LDAP authentication
See also "Authentication on web interface".
The LDAP authentication mechanism allows to use Sympa web interface (WWSympa) in an intranet without duplicating user passwords.
This way users can indifferently authenticate with their "LDAP user ID", their "alternate email" or their canonic email stored in the LDAP directory.
WWSympa gets the canonic email in the LDAP directory with the "LDAP user ID" or the "alternate email". WWSympa will first attempt an anonymous bind to the directory to get the user's distinguished name (DN), then will bind with the DN and the user's "LDAP password" in order to perform an efficient authentication. This last bind will work only if the right "LDAP password" is provided. Indeed the value returned by the LDAP bind operation is tested.
Example: a person is described by
dn: cn=Fabrice Rafart, ou=Siege, o=MyCompany, c=FR
objectClass: person
cn: Fabrice Rafart
title: Network Responsible
o: Siege
ou: Data processing
telephoneNumber: 01-00-00-00-00
facsimileTelephoneNumber: 01-00-00-00-00
l: Paris
country: France
uid: frafart
mail: Fabrice.Rafart@MyCompany.fr
alternate_email: frafart@MyCompany.fr
alternate: rafart@MyCompany.fr
So Fabrice Rafart can be authenticated with frafart
, frafart@MyCompany.fr
. After this operation, the address in the mail
attribute will be the canonic email, in this case
. That means that WWSympa will get this email and
use it during all the session until you clearly ask WWSympa to change your
email address using the user preferences page on web interface.
Net-LDAP Perl module.
IO-Socket-SSL Perl module, if you need TLS to connect to LDAP server, either with LDAP over TLS ("ldaps") or Start_TLS extension.
Sympa configuration
You can add LDAP authentication mechanism with
paragraph in
configuration file. Below is an example
of the paragraph:
regexp univ-rennes1\.fr
host ldap.univ-rennes1.fr:389
timeout 30
suffix dc=univ-rennes1,dc=fr
get_dn_by_uid_filter (uid=[sender])
get_dn_by_email_filter (|(mail=[sender])(mailalternateaddress=[sender]))
email_attribute mail
alternative_email_attribute mailalternateaddress,ur1mail
scope sub
use_tls ldaps
ssl_version tlsv1
ssl_ciphers MEDIUM:HIGH
host ldap.univ-nancy2.fr:392,ldap1.univ-nancy2.fr:392,ldap2.univ-nancy2.fr:392
timeout 20
bind_dn cn=sympa,ou=people,dc=cru,dc=fr
bind_password sympaPASSWD
suffix dc=univ-nancy2,dc=fr
get_dn_by_uid_filter (uid=[sender])
get_dn_by_email_filter (|(mail=[sender])(n2atraliasmail=[sender]))
alternative_email_attribute n2atrmaildrop
email_attribute mail
scope sub
authentication_info_url http://sso.univ-nancy2.fr/