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Configuration for each list

A list has a directory of its own. Most of configuration files and control files specific to the list are placed there. List also has several other directories to provide extensive features.


Following directories may be used so that a list will work. "List directory" must be created at the time of list creation. The others will be created as their necessities.

Configuration files under list directory

There may be following configuration files under list directory. Among them, config file is required. The others may be created during list creation, or configuration works by listmasters or owners.

Main configuration

info and homepage files



Data inclusion files

Control files

Dump files


  • Feature of dump files was introduced on Sympa 6.2.33b.1.

Creation, opening, modifying, closing or restoring lists

When a list is created using list creation template (see "List creation"), dump files are created and imported to backend database immediately.

When a family list is modified (see "Modifying a family list"), dump files including new owners and moderators are created, and owners and moderators in backend database are replaced with content of dump files.

When a list is closed (see "Removing a list"), list users are exported into dump files, and users are removed from backaend database. When the list is restored by listmaster, users in dump files are imported again.

Handling dump files with command line interface

Additionally, administrator can export users to dump files using command line --dump_users anytime, or import dump files using --restore_users (see anytime. --dump_users does not remove users in database backend.

Other files

In general, these files should not be modified manually.

Deprecated files

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