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Install dependent modules

Binary distributions

If you installed binary distribution (apt, RPM, ports, ...), required dependent modules may have been installed: You can skip this section.

Using cpanminus (cpanm)


  • Support for cpanminus was introduced on Sympa 6.2.34.

  • If you are using Perl earlier than 5.16.0 with Sympa earlier than 6.2.62, in addition to modules installed in this section, you have to install manually Unicode::CaseFold which is not included in cpanfile, or Sympa won't work correctly.



To install (or upgrade) required and recommended dependent modules, run:

$ cd <top of source>
# cpanm --installdeps --with-recommends .

To install also modules required for development tasks:

$ cd <top of source>
# cpanm --installdeps --with-recommends --with-develop .

To install the latest version of specific module (even if it is not listed in cpanfile file):

# cpanm Name::Of::Module

For details about usage of cpanm, see the documentation.

Using package management tools

Also, you can use any package management tools on your system (apt, dnf/yum, pkg, ...) or generic tools (cpan, ...).

To know what modules you should install, see cpanfile file. This file is put in the top of source tarball, and when Sympa has been installed, it is put in $MODULEDIR directory.


Using sympa_wizard

Obsoleted method.


  • sympa_wizard will be deprecated on Sympa 6.2.70. Use of cpanm described in above is recommended for recent version of Sympa.

Run sympa_wizard to install dependent modules.

# --check

It checks your system, gets lacking or outdated modules from CPAN and installs them.

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